

A word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive
designation of a person

Your name is one of the basic building blocks of your identity. It is usually the first information you share with others.
It is how you are called and recognized. Names have value and can be very influential in your life. Often rooted in culture, family, religion, ethnicity, names are “connective”.

If you have a name that others find difficult to pronounce, it can have a deep impact on your life; socially, emotionally, professionally. instaPronounceTM was founded on the principal that name pronunciation matters. Pronouncing someone’s name correctly does more than make people feel respected and valued, it fosters inclusivity and bridges cultural divides.

We believe the absolute best way to learn how to pronounce a name is to hear the name. NamePlayer powered by instaPronounceTM your personal name pronunciation and communication tool is the solution. Simply record your name, as you wish it to be pronounced, and attach your NamePlayer audio file virtually anywhere: email signatures, shareable documents, social media. People will appreciate it more than you know.

This is personal for us. Our family has a name most find difficult to pronounce correctly: “Thaete”. It is impossible to figure out phonetically. Common iterations include: Tate, Thaaat, TaaHaaHeeTee. It’s easy once you hear me say it! Hear me pronounce my name

Like many with “difficult” names, school (and childhood in general) was very stressful. It is well known and widely accepted that students with “difficult” names feel anxiety, shame and embarrassment that can result in lack of participation and poor performance. Your identity can suffer and the impact is long term. I am a sales and marketing professional where pronouncing names is critical. Potential clients struggle with my name and many times I struggle with their name. I let my clients and contacts hear my name as I wish it to be pronounced and they in turn can reply with the correct pronunciation of their name. It is the ultimate ice-breaker!

My name is unique. It is part of my culture, family history and identity. My family and I developed NamePlayer powered by instaPronounce™, your personal name pronunciation and communication tool, because your name recorded in your voice, as you wish it to be pronounced, is a critical component of your identity. Reclaim your name with NamePlayer.

Your voice, your name, your way...