For Immediate Release

Palm Springs, CA

instaPronounceTM announces the launch of ResumeRetrofit.

Research shows that job seekers with hard-to-pronounce names may have their resume tossed into the reject pile.
The harsh reality is that people with to hard-to-pronounce names may never even be considered for the job they are applying for.

Stop being penalized in your job search. Level the playing field! instaProunce has the ideal tools to retrofit your resume to avoid being penalized because of your name.

What is the number one way to retrofit your resume?
We believe the best way for someone learn how to pronounce your name is to hear you say your name, in your voice, as you wish it to be pronounced. NamePlayer is fast and easy and can materially change how your resume is considered.

Simply attach your NamePlayer! Let potential employers and recruiters hear you say your name. Help them learn how to pronounce your name and pave the way for a call back. Something wonderful happens when a hiring manager sees a resume with a NamePlayer. You are back in the running!

How does NamePlayer work?
It’s easy as 1, 2, 3 ... record your name the way you wish it to be pronounced, copy, and paste your NamePlayer into your digital and/or hardcopy resume!

Palm Springs, CA

instaPronounceTM announces the launch of “NamePlayer”, a truly innovative web based, organic name pronunciation tool.
Do you have a name others find difficult to pronounce?

Reclaim Your Name with NamePlayer. We believe the best way to learn how to pronounce a name is to hear a person say their name, as they wish it to be pronounced. instaPronounce is not a synthesized data base of computer generated names.
It is Your Name Your Way.

Pronouncing someone’s name correctly does more than make people feel respected and valued, it promotes inclusivity, accessibility and diversity.

We believe so strongly in correct name pronunciation we made the Standard NamePlayer absolutely free!

Have you spent your life correcting the pronunciation of your name? For everyone who has had their name butchered meet the Name Butcher. The days of having your name mispronounced, botched or butchered are over. With NamePlayer even Name Butchers can pronounce your name as you want... and vice versa! Be part of the solution!

About instaPronounce

Your name is one of the basic building blocks of your identity. If you have a name others find difficult to pronounce, it can have a deep impact on your life; socially, emotionally, professionally. Pronouncing someone’s name correctly does more than make people feel respected and valued, it promotes inclusivity, equality and diversity. instaPronounce™ is a privately held company based in Palm Springs, California with Patent Pending technology and pronunciation/communication tools. To learn more please visit our website at