Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I place my NamePlayer, digitally or hardcopy?

A. Simply copy and paste into your signature line or anywhere in your email, or into the header, footer, or body of any document. Add it to web content or social media. You name it and place it wherever you want. Same with the NamePlayer QR code, available with Extended NamePlayer. Copy and paste into business cards, hardcopy docs, and signs. You can even add your NamePlayer QR code to your digital content. Just paste it in.

Q. What if I want to update my NamePlayer?

A. Easy. Log into your password-protected, cloud-based dashboard and simply re-record. Select and save your favorite recording. Your new recording is automatically updated across all your platforms. You can update and edit your NamePlayer as often as you like.

Q. I want to include seasonal greetings together with the correct pronunciation of my name. How often can I change my NamePlayer?

A. That’s one of the great features of NamePlayer! You have unlimited edits and placements. Simply log in and re-record your message. After saving, your new message will auto-populate and refresh your NamePlayer pasted link and/or QR codes everywhere they were previously placed.

Q. How do I customize the NamePlayer link wording?

A. Once you’ve copied and pasted it you can highlight it and change the font and background color all at once. You can also change the wording and rename it by backspacing and rewriting it.

Q. Can I purchase more NamePlayer audio files?

A. Visit our Enterprise page to learn more about NamePlayer options for teams, groups, business and education, including multi-user admin management, multi-file storage, and much more.

Q. I don't have a signature line activated on my email account. Is NamePlayer still a good option for my needs?

A. Let your NamePlayer be your amplified signature line. Simply copy and paste. NamePlayer is a great option for anyone who wants their name pronounced correctly and would like to add an amplified additional dimension to their contact/credential information or any other sort of info share. From updates, announcements, invites, time-sensitive notifications, congrats, gone fishing, you name it, and you place it. Your email recipients will appreciate it more than you know!

Q. I don't use digital docs that much. How would I benefit from having my own NamePlayer?

A. Don't do much with digital? No problem because your Extended NamePlayer comes with your own custom QR Code that can be placed on any sort of hardcopy documents like business cards, flyers, signage, or even ID badges. You name it and place it.

Q. I am still a bit confused about the setup process …………………………………….

A. Don’t worry, you can’t break it. Make NamePlayer that new piece of technology that you are going to get to know and maximize. Try different ideas across different platforms and if you don’t like the result hit reverse and try again. Talk to other NamePlayer owners or tell friends, family, and coworkers about your NamePlayer and see if they can be of assistance. Adding your NamePlayer to your digital neighborhood and hardcopy library of content can be a fun solo or group activity.

Q. What is the difference between the Standard NamePlayer, Extended NamePlayer and the Enterprise plan?

A. The Enterprise plan is for organizations, teams, business and academia. It is a license that provides for a large volume of NamePlayers, customized to that organization. The cost is an annual subscription fee based upon the number of NamePlayers in use and flat fees for customization.

The Extended NamePlayer is a 12 second audio file for use by anyone interested in including a longer audio communication with their name pronunciation such as a seasonal greeting or promotional message. It includes a QR code ideal for hardcopy and digital use. The cost is $4.00 per month. Added bonus: The Extended NamePlayer comes with a 6 second Standard NamePlayer and corresponding QR code! Tons of options and flexibility for individuals or teams!

The Standard NamePlayer is a 6 second audio file perfect for recording your name in your voice, as you wish it to be pronounced. Include your title, pronouns, whatever is important to your identity. Simply copy and paste your Standard NamePlayer anywhere your need it. Ideal for individual use. It's free!

At instaPronounce we believe so strongly that correct name pronunciation matters and demonstrates respect and inclusivity , WE MADE THE STANDARD NAMEPLAYER FREE!